歌手 > 萧厅

萧厅(Shaw Hall),07月23日生于湖南湘西,中国内地独立音乐人、华语创作型男歌...


萧厅(Shaw Hall),07月23日生于湖南湘西,中国内地独立音乐人、华语创作型男歌手、艺术工作者、IT工作者。 2005年,受他人影响,开始接触并努力学习吉他。 因为痴迷乐器,两年后他又接触了口琴、电子琴、钢琴、葫芦丝等乐器。 2013年,入驻5SING,开始在网络上发布作品,正式进入歌坛。 2020年4月,发行了第一首原创单曲《Alpha LoV》。 Shaw Hall, born on July 23 in Xiangxi, Hunan province, is an independent musician, Chinese creative male singer, artist and IT worker in Mainland China. In 2005, influenced by others, I began to learn guitar. Because of his obsession with Musical Instruments, he learned harmonica, electronic organ, piano, cucurbit flute and other Musical Instruments two years later. In 2013, he entered 5SING and began to release his works on the Internet, officially entering the music circle. In April 2020, he released his first original single "Alpha LoV".