歌手 > MarshallYU

Since fully committing to music production in 2020, I have evolved from spe...


Since fully committing to music production in 2020, I have evolved from specializing in tech house to embracing dance pop and melodic house. My journey in electronic music began with the inspiring grooves and playful energy of Merk & Kremont, whose style deeply influenced my own. By 2023, I had transitioned my focus to creating music that blends rhythmic drive with emotive melodies, reflecting my passion for melodic house. My work is characterized by its emotional depth and captivating melodic elements, aiming to resonate with listeners on a profound level. 自2020年全身心投入音乐制作以来,MarshallYU从专注于Tech House逐渐转向了Dance Pop和Melodic House。他在电子音乐领域的旅程开始于Merk & Kremont和KREAM鼓舞人心的节奏和玩乐能量,他们的风格对他产生了深远的影响。到2023年,MarshallYU已经将重点转向创作融合节奏感和情感旋律的音乐,反映了他对Melodic House的热情。他的作品以其情感深度和迷人的旋律元素为特色,旨在在深层次上与听众产生共鸣。 contact/联系:marshallyu@qq.com