歌手 > 孙桔伟

翻唱也可以原创也可以希望大家喜欢我的梦想就是上华语榜前100,我叫孙桔伟 民谣很...


翻唱也可以原创也可以希望大家喜欢我的梦想就是上华语榜前100,我叫孙桔伟 民谣很穷,吉他很贵,女孩很美,男 孩不配,民谣有三:爱情 理想远方,听 者有三:孤独 平庸 落魄,听后有三:费 烟 费酒 费心,这辈子永远都是亏欠。 Ballads are poor, guitars are expensive, girls are beautiful, and boys don't deserve them. There are three ballads: love is far away, listeners are three: lonely, mediocre and down-to-earth. After listening to them, there are three: spending money on cigarettes, wine and trouble. I will always owe it in my life. 你不会再遇到第二个我,友情也好, 爱情也罢,失去什么都坦然接受,唯独失 去你的时候,我差点没缓过来。