歌手 > Ourself Beside Me
成 员: 扬帆 » 主唱/吉他 谢涵 » 主唱/贝司 Emi » 鼓 唱片公司:兵马司/Maybe Mars 风格:60年代车库摇滚风 Ourself Beside Me。这支乐队就像他们的名字一样无法解释。从容淡定的 她们占据了越来越多人的视野。可能很多人在2007年她们出色的现场中 逐渐被这三个姑娘征服。这是一支真正的摇滚乐队,就像优秀的艺术品陈 列在那里,不论有没有很多人为之驻足,而只为了自己和真正喜欢她们的 人。正是因为这种气质,Ourself Beside Me反而吸引了更多厌倦了作秀 表演的人的注意。其实,现在大家眼中年轻而锋芒毕露的Ourself Beside Me乐队成立于2003年。扬帆在退出Hang on The Box以后自己组建了这支 乐队,成员有过多次变动,乐队也有过一段时期的停滞。2005年她跟还 不曾见过面的谢涵因为Television Personalities这个乐队成为了朋友。当时 还是鼓手的谢涵改弹贝司,07年6月鼓手EMI加入了,成员就固定下来。 你无法给Ourself Beside Me的音乐归到某一类,就像她们也不会告诉你自 己的风格。她们不追求精致而模式化的音乐,你可以在她们的即兴中听出 她们的特质,自然而不加掩饰的演奏,时而低沉缓慢,时而生猛有力,也 许还有一点倔强。 扬帆并不觉得自己是别人所说的天才吉他手。她只有”真”,真诚的弹 琴,琴声就是她的语言。喜欢弹琴,喜欢音乐,所以她选择组建一支真正 属于自己,能给自己带来快乐的乐队。她并没有把Ourself Beside Me这 支让很多人沉醉的乐队当作一项事业,她只希望在弹琴和写歌中图一个高 兴,把这当成随心所欲表达感情的方式。谢涵弹贝司的时间不算长,听她 弹贝司唱歌,会让你觉得放松自然,有时急促多变但清晰有力的节奏或者 懒洋洋的贝司旋律会在现场演出的即兴中抓住你的耳朵。她说现在玩这 个乐队只是遇到了默契的人,大家顺其自然的干着一件舒服的事。鼓手 EMI来自日本,她深受THE BEATLES的影响,人生听的第一盘磁带就是他 们。以前就身为鼓手的EMI在07年6月第一次与扬帆和谢涵排练时就一拍 即合,在现场的即兴中,她的鼓点能在演奏中把没有准备却又来的自然而 然的感情与吉他贝司一起带到高潮。 Ourself Beside Me绝对是一支特别的乐队,看过她们现场演出的人一定会 被她们真诚自然的演奏状态打动而沉浸其中。她们在每一次的现场中都会 带给人不同的感受。不用开足够大的音量,没有什么效果器,不会说多余 的话,但这就足够带你进入她们的世界。 她们的音乐灵感最初正是来自六、七十年代一些老的乐队,如Velvet Underground, Syd Barrett,Can, Soft Machine,Brian Eno。但她们本身 是一支无法界定的乐队,没有模式,没有既定的风格,这当然是对优秀作 品的最好的评价,也是成为新的经典的必要条件。她们会带那些拥有新鲜 听觉的观众去到一个曾经让无数人疯狂的乌托邦的时空。 她们用自己的方式演奏,她们不同,她们让人觉得难以琢磨。但是当音乐 响起,你应该知道这就是Ourself Beside Me。 大事件 • 组建于2003年,2007年固定阵容,并迅速受到乐迷与媒体的大量关注,成为北 京文化爆炸中一支重要的乐队 • 2008年4月受邀拍摄Converse运动品牌的平面广告 Ourself Beside Me were first formed in 2003 by former Hang On The Box guitarist Yang Fan. Their line-up changed several times throughout the years until Yang Fan (the main vocalist and guitarist) met the then-still-a-drummer Xie Han through the internet in fall 2005, thanks to a shared interest in the British band, Television Personalities. They bonded immediately and started writing songs together. Xie Han started playing the bass and in 2007, through a mutual friend, EMI (who hails from Japan) was introduced into the group as the drummer. It wasn’t until the second half of 2007 that this trio began performing regularly, first at D22 and then at other clubs in Beijing. Touted almost from the beginning by D22 regulars as one of the most exciting and innovative bands to emerge from the Beijing scene, these three hard-charging ladies have swept everything before to become among the most admired and inspiring bands in China. It is hard to describe their sound. They claim their inspirations began with the sounds from old 60’s and 70’s bands such as the Velvet Underground, Syd Barrett, Can, Tom Waits, Soft Machine and the Fall. There is no denying these influences but they are also heavily influenced by New York’s East Village bands of the late 1970s and early 1980s but with a very Chinese obliqueness to their harmonies and musical approach and the typical Beijinger’s bluntness. They combine the rhythmic sophistication of bands like ESG and Bush Tetras with the eerie but jangly, sinuous guitar lines of Bush Tetra guitarist Pat Place and the strange harmonics of DNA. Amid their drawn-out sessions you can even sometimes hear the long, druggy patterns of the Doors. This is a band extremely sure of its sound and wholly dismissive of any attempts to mold their image or sound into a more pleasing outline. After several heavily acclaimed concerts in Beijing’s major clubs P.K.14 frontman Yang Haisong took them to the studio to record and produce their first CD. Almost as soon as Bing Ma Si/Maybe Mars was formed, in August 2007, the band was approached by the label to join their roster. Their as-yet-untitled and eagerly anticipated CD will be released by Bing Ma Si/Maybe Mars in September 2008.