歌手 > Bill Ryder-Jones

Bill Ryder-Jones曾经是The Coral的吉他手,在发行The Coral的第五张专辑Roots &...


Bill Ryder-Jones曾经是The Coral的吉他手,在发行The Coral的第五张专辑Roots & Echoes后他退出了The Coral,之后他甚至鲜少与音乐交涉,幸好在09年一位朋友联系到了他希望他能为其拍摄的短片写一些歌曲,他欣然接受了。这张短小的OST也给了 Bill Ryder-Jones重返他喜欢的音乐一个契机,他签约了Domino旗下的分支厂牌Double Six并免费提供这张名为“A Leave Taking”原声EP的下载,之后还宣布了将在今年11月14日发行全长专辑If…。这张专辑被描述为是卡尔维诺小说“如果在冬季,一个旅人”的原声,其中会用到大量管弦乐器,而Bill Ryder-Jones的声音又配合的恰到好处,如同冷酷仙境之荒凉之美。 Bill Ryder-Jones (born 1983) is an English musician and film score composer from West Kirby, Merseyside. He was originally the lead guitarist with The Coral from 1996 until 2008 before leaving the band to pursue a solo career. Ryder-Jones' debut album If... was released in 2011.