歌手 > Angra

小简介 Angra,巴西神话传说中的女火神,她的优雅足以倾城,他的怒火也更可以摧毁...


小简介 Angra,巴西神话传说中的女火神,她的优雅足以倾城,他的怒火也更可以摧毁一切。来自巴西的重量级金属乐队Angra,则继承了她的血脉,激昂重金属音乐的力量与交响乐所散发的美完美地集合在一其,完成了20世纪末一项伟大的音乐创举,从此确立了Symphonic Power/Speed Metal风格。 Angra这些精英们在1991年聚在一起,经过两年的准备,他们于1993年创作出了他们的第一张惊世之作《Angels Cry》。良好的古典音乐基础使得Angra果然不同凡响,专辑的序曲《Unfinished Allegro》取自舒伯特的第八交响曲《未完成》,拉开了一场金属圣宴的序幕。果然在不到两星期的时间内,《Angels Cry》不但在销量上创造了佳绩,更是受到了评论界的一致好评。 Angra was formed in 1991, picking up where Viper had left off playing neo-classical progressive metal. Singer Andre Matos left Viper after the Theatre of Fate album due to creative differences. Andre soon hooked up with guitarist Kiko Loureiro to form Angra; they were joined by bassist Luis Mariutti, guitarist Rafael Bittencourt and drummer Marco Antunes. After a demo entitled Reaching Horizons, Antunes was replaced on drums by Ricardo Confessori. This completed the lineup for their first full-length album, Angels Cry, which met with critical and commercial success in Brazil and Europe. It was mostly a hard progressive metal set, slowing down only for a remake of Kate Bush's "Wuthering Heights." Two years later, in 1995, Angra recorded their second album, entitled Holy Land. While maintaining the same core sound as Angels Cry, Angra showed subtle Brazilian influences much more on Holy Land in the rhythms and backing vocals. Two EPs, Holy Live and Freedom Call, appeared between 1996 and 1997. The next album, Fireworks, released in 1998, is a more straight forward hard rock album. The classical influences from Angels Cry and the Brazilian influences from Holy Land are both gone, being replaced by straight forward metal. In 2001 longtime vocalist Andre Matos left the group and was replaced by Edu Falaschi. The resulting album, the prog/neo-classical metal Rebirth, was a return to form for the group. They followed that record's success with Temple of Shadows in 2005.