歌手 > Solveig Slettahjell

Solveig Slettahjell是一位来自瑞典的爵士女歌手,如果说声音是上天赋予人类最好...


Solveig Slettahjell是一位来自瑞典的爵士女歌手,如果说声音是上天赋予人类最好的听觉礼赞,那Solveig Slettahjell如天使护佑的声音则是在磁性,厚实,性感之中流转,如曲水流觞。她的声音在传递一种只属于斯堪地纳维亚式的优雅慵懒,如此脱俗,正如唱片机中声线弥散之时,那类听觉磁场在紧紧吸引每一双敏感的耳朵。也许只有用潺潺如清澈山涧流水般的清秀精致来形容史蕾塔亚的歌声,与Slow Motion Orchestra细腻浪漫的伴奏交织成那迷人的散漫篇章正如同构成眼前画面的因子,低头见隽永,抬额识灵动,俯仰皆为风景。 Introduction Solveig Slettahjell has always been singing. She is an educated jazzsinger (from the Norwegian Academy of Music), but her childhood`s church music of old Norwegian hymns and black American spirituals is still very present in her expression - as is also references to the singer songwriter tradition. Slow motion quintet has been her main project since they did their first concert together at the Osloclub Blaa in 2001. This concert also became their debut live-album ”Slow Motion Orchestra”. Since then the Slow Motion project has resulted in 4 more albums. The last one, ”Domestic Songs” is based on the Slow Motion Duo concept with trumpeter Sjur Miljeteig and Solveig accompanying herself on piano. Since the start they have done extencive touring mostly in Europe, but their music has also taken them to Chile, USA, Russia, India and Pakistan. Slow Motion is now working on their 6th album – due to be released in September 09. They are expanding, taking guitar into the group. The Slow Motion family now concists of six members in addition to Solveig; Sjur Miljeteig (trumpet), Per Oddvar Johansen (drums), Jo Berger Myhre (doublebass), Morten Qvenild (piano), Andreas Ulvo (piano and organ) and Even Hermansen (guitar). They have also since the beginning been working together with norwegian soundengineer Asle Karstad and he has been a very important participant in developing their live expression. Tord Gustavsen and Solveig Slettahjell did their first concert together in Barbu church in Arendal, Norway in February 2007. In September 2008 Solveig, Tord and Sjur Miljeteig (Slow Motion trumpeter) recorded a Christmas album together in the Nativity Church in Bethlehem, Palestine. ”Natt i Betlehem” was released in Norway Nov 08.