还记得那首红歌“Jij bent zo”吗?它就是出自荷兰歌手Jeroen van der Boom。2007年Jeroen van der Boom推出单曲“Jij bent zo”该曲翻唱自西班牙万人迷巨星David Bisbals的“Silencio”(收录在2006年专辑“Premonición”)一举在本国荷兰拿下冠军宝座,凭借“Jij bent zo”成功上位的Jeroen van der Boom成就了自己也成就了“Jij bent zo”使之变成金字招牌也成为闻名一时的代表作!歌曲虽然旋律相同但表达的意思却不甚相同,“Silencio”(意为“Silence”死寂)所表现的是一个人因为爱人的离去而倍感伤痛,“Jij bent zo”("That's the way you are")则是一个人为爱人克服了自身的思想缺陷从而尊重她的选择,让她由着自己的感觉去走,展现了男人心胸间那一片宽阔的海洋。
by Chris True
Although Jeroen Van Der Boom (born Nijmegen on June 22, 1972) gained pop stardom in his native Netherlands with the 2007 hit single "Jij Bent Zo," it was television where the future icon would make his first impact, as a presenter of the TV show Real TV, in 1996. In 2004, he released the first of a handful of singles, "Toekomst," and would eventually record a full length album, Ik Ben Zo, in 2007. The album, made up of originals and covers of work by such artists as Eric Clapton and Queen, was a hit, and his work won him many plaudits and awards.