歌手 > 大忘杠

大忘杠乐队 1978――2008酝酿 2009年正式成立 相关作品: 唱片《大忘杠》系列(...



大忘杠乐队 1978――2008酝酿 2009年正式成立 相关作品: 唱片《大忘杠》系列(制作中) 音乐/声音作品《荒腔走板》系列(制作中) 《荒腔走板》项目简介: 所行之地多地广人稀,腔多苍凉慷慨 主要涵盖两个方向内容: 1. 沿途记录下的原始音乐、声音素材按相应主题的剪辑/混录/编配作品,体例上介于概念性唱片与声音纪录片之间. 2. 对行走中被不断感动、烂熟于胸的旋律、歌谣的致敬,或循原貌,或在编曲、配器上甚至歌词上大幅改动,纯粹个体感受,不会拘泥。 2009制作计划 1《三个空行母在商量》(制作中) 2 《阿西克城》(制作中) 3 《曼陀罗上曼陀铃》(制作中) Since 2009, Dawanggang is the band name of solo artist Song Yuzhe, who has been an important member of the independent Chinese music scene for the last ten years. Within the band, all the musicians come from very different backgrounds. Da Wang Gang aims at crossing borders, creating a new musical identity where everyone's difference becomes a richness. Music Albums: - Da Wang Gang: series of music albums (under production) - Huang Qiang Zou Ban: series of music and sound albums (under production) These albums will include two types of music: 1. Songs based on original folk music recordings and fieldwork which are edited/re-mixed, 2. Compositions by the musician, often adopted from folk music There are 3 Albums planned in 2009: "Three Dakini are discussing" "Ashik Castle" "Mandala's Mandolin" And also a series of Coming with Image, Going with Sound concerts: live music accompanied by videos shot by Song Yuzhe during numerous travels.Check out detailed information on this site in the future.

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