歌手 > Enslavement of Beauty

Enslavement of Beauty,成立于1995年的挪威旋律黑金属乐团。虽然算得上是一支十...


Enslavement of Beauty,成立于1995年的挪威旋律黑金属乐团。虽然算得上是一支十多年的老团了,不过目前为止作品并不算多,仅仅发行了三张正式专辑。近期乐团刚刚发行了2009年的最新Ep作品《The Perdition》,也是因为这张Ep让我有幸认识了这支优秀的乐团,实在有点相见恨晚的感觉。无论从气质和音乐质量来讲,我都会给Enslavement of Beauty很高的分数。由于乐团中的成员都参与了数个不同的计划,这使得乐团的整体实力显得格外的沉稳老练。他们的作品编排华丽、段落工整、旋律流畅,死黑嗓的搭配也堪称完美,每一张作品都可以说是不俗之作。特别是1999年的首张作品《Traces O`red》,堪称一张极其完美的旋律黑金属佳作,曾经也受到了极其广泛的好评。另外,许多人拿Enslavement of Beauty和Graveworm进行对比,虽然他们的作品并没有墓穴那般的恢宏大气,但每段旋律之中都无不透着一股老练而不俗的实力。不过由于乐团的活跃度不高,所以并未达到像Graveworm那样广泛的知名度,但是却是一支不能错过的好团。这些日子听多了压抑沉闷的氛围黑,听得整个人昏昏沉沉的,已经快到了听什么都听不下去的地步。不过他们的作品竟让我有种死而复生的感觉,又让我找回了那种金属乐中能让自己的兴奋的快感。   Enslavement of Beauty is a symphonic black metal band from Norway. Enslavement of Beauty was formed in January 1995 by Ole Alexander Myrholt (vocals & lyrics) and Tony Eugene Tunheim (guitars & composing). The band spent the subsequent years composing and recording material and thereby developed their expression. In the summer of 1998, Enslavement of Beauty recorded the demo CD “Devilry & Temptation” which gained them a deal with Head Not Found/Voices of Wonder. This resulted in the 1999 release “Traces O’ Red” which received very positive response. In November 2000, the beauticians headed back to the studio to record their second album, “Megalomania”, accompanied by drummer Asgeir Mickelson (Borknagar/Spiral Architect) and bass player Hans-Aage Holmen. In 2007 the third album, “Mere Contemplations” has been successfully released with the I.N.R.I. Unlimited label. Musically the band still sounds very melodic and deeply inspired by classical music but with a sharper metal edge and a truly hell-bent rock ‘n’ roll attitude. Lyrically Enslavement of Beauty is more direct approach but still highly influenced by the poetic beauty of William Shakespeare and Marquis De Sade’s works.