小号手Arve Henriksen毕业于Trondheim音乐学院,从1989年开始作为一名自由音乐人和众多爵士/即兴音乐家如Jon Balke, Anders Jormin, Edward Vesala, Jon Christensen, Audun Kleive, Nils Petter Molvær, Misha Alperein, Arkady Shilkoper, Marc Ducret, Bjørn Kjellemyr 和The Cikada String Quartet, 以及Sten Sandell, Frode Gjerstad, Peter Friis Nilsen, Bjørn Torske合作过。他早年参加过挪威钢琴家Christian Wallumrød(2004年来过上海)的三重奏曾发表No Birch专辑。他深受John Coltrane自由爵士手法影响,并研究用小号吹奏日本传统木箫乐器尺八(Shakuhachi)的音色,体现在2001年在Rune Grammofon发表的首张个人专辑Sakuteiki中。2004年和鼓手Audun Kleive和音乐监制,混音师Jan Bang合作的第二张专辑Chiaroscuro(意大利语,光和影,也指明暗法)被乐评誉为“深刻”,“动容”,“不容错过”。2005年还客座 David Sylvian的新组合Nine Horses的专辑Snow Borne Sorrow。2007年推出第三张个人专辑,寻根之作Strjon。
Arve Henriksen is a classically trained musician whose ethereal, Japanese-influenced trumpet playing has literally placed him in a league of his own. He was born in Stranda, Norway, and educated at the Trondheim Conservatory. It was during his time at the conservatory that a friend gave Henriksen a tape recording of the shakuhachi flute. Henriksen was hooked. "I let the music 'ring' and develop in my head," he said. "I was astonished by the sound of this flute." His interest in minimalist Japanese music went on to have a profound effect on his trumpet playing and his music career. Henriksen went on to collaborate with numerous musicians on avant-garde, minimalist, and Eastern-influenced music, working with artists such as Anders Jormin, Edward Vesala, and the Source, before striking out on his own with 2001's Sakuteiki. He is also the trumpter of the improvisational jazz terror group Supersilent. Several more albums followed over the years, including 2004's critically acclaimed Chiaroscuro and 2007's Strjon.