歌手 > Schandmaul



成立于1998年的德国民谣/民谣金属/中世纪摇滚乐队Schandmaul对于中国的歌迷来说还略显陌生,但其名号在德国本土以及欧洲民谣界却堪称赫赫有名。伴随着5张录音室专辑和2张现场专辑的发行,Schandmaul的音乐逐渐从青涩走向成熟,乐队始终把握了风格的发展方向,才得以在成军近10年中一直长盛不衰。组建前期的Schandmaul比较偏重于用民谣的音乐表现形式,而在近几年则在音乐中融入了大量的金属元素,而这张2002年发行的Narrenkönig则游走在民谣与金属之间,整张专辑张驰有度,颇具大将风范   by Chris True   Part of the Mittelalter scene in German rock, Schandmaul formed in 1998, and included an arsenal of medieval instrumentation to augment their rock sound. The Munich based group was motivated into action at the idea of putting together a show of folk covers. Turns out the band ended up writing some of their own material, and decided to keep on with the project. The six piece group performed well at their first outing, and released a CD to the world entitled Wahre Helden (True Heroes) in 1999. After 2000's Von Spitzbuben und anderen Halunken (Of Rogues and Other Scoundrels), Schandmaul -- and the buzz they were creating -- were ready to take the next step, and the group signed a record deal. Festival appearances and touring soon followed, and in October of 2002 Schandmaul released album number three, Narrenköning (Jester's King), but lost bassist Hubsi Widman. Finding a replacement in Matthias Richter, Schandmaul (vocalist, guitarist, and accordionist Thomas Lindner, piper and flautist Birgit Muggenthaler, violnist, vocalist, and hurdy gurdy-ist Anna Kränzlein, guitarist of all shapes and sizes Martin Duckstein, percussionist Stefan Brunner, and the aforementioned Matthias Richter) released their first live CD and DVD, Hexenkessel (Witch's Cauldron). By the time of album number four (Wie Pech und Schwefel -- Like Pitch and Sulfur), Schandmaul had begun to crack the charts, and in 2006, the group scored a top ten with their offering, Mit Leib und Seele (With Body and Soul).