The story of Mokadelic begins in 2000 under the name Moka, with the meeting of the four original members Alessio Mecozzi, Cristian Marras, Alberto Broccatelli and Maurizio Mazzenga, and consequently with the creation of a series of instrumental improvisations (Moka ep).In 2002 their first self-produced cd is released “I plan on leaving tomorrow”. The band shares the stage with groups of international fame, such as the Explosions in the sky, Mono, Ulan Bator, Tarentel and Giardini di Mirò.In 2006 their new album, “Hopi”, is released in which two tracks become the soundtrack for the short film “Fib1477″, in competition at the 63rd Venice Film Festival. In the same year, Luca Novelli becomes a steady part of the group, in studio and live.
Changing its name to Mokadelic, in 2008 the singer and songwriter Niccolò Fabi proposes the group partake in the “Violenza 124″ project, in which Mokadelic participates with the track “Red July”. They write their first soundtrack for the film “As God commands” directed by award winning director Gabriele Salvatores, nominated as best score at the Nastro d’Argento (Silver Ribbon) 2009 Award.In 2009 they meet with director Alessandro di Robilant who chooses them to compose the score of his new film “MarPiccolo”.