歌手 > Good Weather For An Airstrike

来自英国Winchester, South的 Ambient / 实验个人团体. 乐队成员 Tom Honey. Go...


来自英国Winchester, South的 Ambient / 实验个人团体. 乐队成员 Tom Honey. Good Weather For An Airstrike [Signals Out Now!] Hello! I'm Tom and I'm 22 years old. Good Weather For An Airstrike was an idea created at the beginning of 2009. To cut a long story short, basically i have tinnitus which can be extremely irritating, and because of this it will often take me a long time to get to sleep. So i wanted to create a set of ambient/easy listening songs which will be able to help take your mind of the 'buzzing' noises of tinnitus and help others get to sleep quicker! Obviously even if you don't have tinnitus hopefully the stuff i create will be relaxing! So that's about it really, 'Music to fall asleep to...', that makes it sound pretty bad haha, but i mean it in the best possible way :). Past albums & EPs can be purchased securely through the following links.