歌手 > Magica

乐队现任成员: Ana Mladinovici - Vocals (Interitus Dei (Rou)) Bogdan "Bat...


乐队现任成员: Ana Mladinovici - Vocals (Interitus Dei (Rou)) Bogdan "Bat" Costea - Guitars (Interitus Dei (Rou), Fortuneteller) Emilian Burcea - Guitars (2007-) (Fortuneteller) Valentin "IngerAlb" Zechiu - Bass (ex-Web (Rou)) Cristi "Beavis" Barla - Drums (2003-) (Interitus Dei (Rou), Web (Rou)) 6Fingers - Keyboards (2003-) (Phonopia) 历史成员: Adrian Mihai - Drums (2002-2003) Viorel Raileanu - Keyboards by Chris True Symphonic power/gothic melodic metal quintet Magica formed in Romania in 2002. Led by guitarist Bodan Costea, Magica released its first album, The Scroll of Stone, in 2002. Although the independent release was ill-promoted, the band earned some choice radio airplay and earned a warm reception in the press. The success of the album led to regional deals in France and South America, just in time for Magica to release album number two, Lightseeker, in 2004. This momentum was heightened with important touring support gigs with such genre stalwarts as After Forever and Nightmare. After winning more hearts and minds across Europe, the band (Ana Mladinovici -- vocals, Vali Zechiu -- bass, Cristi Barla -- drums, 6Fingers -- keyboards, and the aforementioned Costea on guitars) scored an international distribution deal, and released their third album, Hereafter, in 2007.