歌手 > Søren Bebe

Pianist and composer, Søren Bebe, is one of the young leading pianists on t...


Pianist and composer, Søren Bebe, is one of the young leading pianists on the Danish scene for jazz and contemporary music. Always searching for new inspiration and discovering new musical landscapes, Søren is involved in many different musical projects ranging from jazz to folk music over pop to free improvisation. His main interest though is within his working band, Søren Bebe Trio, with drummer Anders Mogensen and electric bassplayer Niels Ryde. “As a composer and pianist I’m interested in combining all my different influences from Bach and Scriabin to jarrett and Radiohead. Very often my music is described as very cinematic and emotional, which I take as a great compliment. Like the woman approaching me after our last trio concert with the remark: “That song you played “Flying”. What an interesting story that was!”" Since graduating from the Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus, in 2004, Søren has been living in Copenhagen, Denmark.