一支来自葡萄牙的乐队指尖乐队(The Fingertips)却让你感觉得到了当今不一样的葡萄牙。这支用英语演唱的葡萄牙乐队自成立之初就受到了欧洲歌迷的追捧和痴迷。2003年他们出版了第一张专辑,受到广泛的好评。连Nelly Furtado, Queen, George Michael, The Corrs这样的世界大牌都成为了他们的粉丝。“指尖”乐队的音乐风格极其清新,女主唱乔安娜(Joana),才华横溢,少女时代很早就开始了的演艺生涯。她的音色隽秀、温暖、明亮,也是她最迷人的个人特质。而乐队的另一个灵魂人物瑞(Rui)也是欧洲新崛起的制作人。两人惺惺相惜,认识后便开始了长期的合作!
乐队自成立之初便光芒四射 乐队经常在葡萄牙和欧洲巡回演出,场场爆满,粉丝如痴如醉,这也给他们带来了巨大的声誉。尤其是两次受邀参加世界著名的摇滚音乐节Rock in Rio,使得他们成为了葡萄牙乃至欧洲炙手可热的乐队。2011年3月“指尖”出版了新专辑《威尼斯》(Venice),这张英文专辑更是奠定了“指尖”乐队在欧洲音乐界独立流行摇滚的地位,各种美誉和赞美声扑面而来,从而使得他们成为了葡萄牙最受关注和欢迎的摇滚乐队。很多人亲切的称他们为“葡萄牙的洛克赛特”。
新专辑中的那首《月梦》(Dreaming Of The Moon),节奏和旋律的魅力让人无法抵挡,目前已经成为了为欧洲极为流行的热门舞曲。在排行榜走势凌厉。流行度很广的歌曲《家乡》(Home),描述了乡愁、人生的无奈,以及着挥之不去的深沉的悲怅宿命感。《威尼斯之歌》(Venice Song)是一首能秒杀无数文艺青年的小清新作品,最纯粹的女声,和最质朴的旋律融合在一起,才会带来那种穿透人心的冲击力,过往的回忆与强烈的情感。这首歌就是一片美丽的风景。
The Fingertips is a popular Portuguese band. They launched their debut album in 2003 and achieved first place on radio airplay for the single ´Melancholic Ballad´. This was followed up with two more releases (2006 & 2007) which saw the band repeating their success with top radio airplay once again.
The band has a loyal fan base and has supported the likes of Nelly Furtado, Queen, George Michael, The Corrs, etc.
In 2010 the band set a new course and went in search of a new vocalist. Out of hundreds of candidates Joana Gomes was chosen to be the new voice of the band.
With the arrival of Joana the band finalized a few ideas they had been working on in the studio and launched the single ´Simple Words´
SIMPLE WORDS is the first recording by The Fingertips with Joana Gomes as the new vocalist making her mark with a new intense and melodic sound for the band. The song is co written by songwriters/producers Rui Saraiva and Helder Matos who were the foundation of the previous works by the band. They are joined by the arrival of Virgilio Fino the new lyricist who was born in London but has Portuguese roots.