The 13-year-old Oscar Stembridge started of making covers that he posted online at the age of 7. Despite his young age Oscar has already been praised by Guns N’ Roses and Queen, played at several historic venues including Scandinavia’s biggest music TV show with a 1.3M+ audience and performed at the annual ‘Victoriadagen’ in front of the Swedish royal family which also was broadcasted live on Swedish television. Apart from previous mentions Oscar also got his first lead role in the SVT youth series ‘KÄR’ that after 122 episodes to date, became one of the most viewed shows in 2020.
The young talent is also an activist being an advocate for both mental health and the climate having toured together with the mental health charity “Never Alone” and performing with his own charity song “We March” at a ‘FridaysforFuture’ event sharing both his music and beliefs with the world.