Monokle is a project of two young men from the North of Russia - Vlad Kudryavtsev and Alexander Kumach. They met in the begining of 21th century while dj-ing in various clubs and decided to start a project, combining lot's of styles, mainly electronic music with wide elements of jazz, downtempo,electro and even rock music. After a couple of tracks in various releases, Monokle presented theit debut "Something About Frost" album: electro-acoustic experience in a wood of intelligent dance music. Then Monokle began to play live in diferent parties in a native town and went to a tour through some russian cities. These transformations of a sound reflected to the second album, "Ideas Aloud", released in spring of 2007. There Monokle continued its music investigations in a boundary electronic music places. This time, tracks combines live guitar and piano themes with a sharp synthetic tunes, that balance at the edges of psychedelic music and entertaining genres. "Ideas Aloud" succesfully established, that Monokle went into orbit of another emotional dimensions, where the structure and any rules are less important than harmony.