歌手 > Sancta Poenas

Lifelover扭曲系。后摇。自杀黑。 .. .. .. Jimmy and Niclas originally formed...


Lifelover扭曲系。后摇。自杀黑。 .. .. .. Jimmy and Niclas originally formed Sancta Poenas by the name Sanctus Pathos autumn, 2007. In the beginning of 2008 TH and Marcus joined and the band started practicing together and changed the band name to Sancta Poenas. Our demo was recorded just before the summer 2008 in a matter of days. Autumn 2008 Thurgren joined the band, but in february 2009 left the band for various reasons. Niclas writes the lyrics and screams. Jimmy composes the music, plays guitar and occasionally sings. TH plays the bass. Marcus plays the drums. Anna S. contributes with all of the artwork. However we don't limit ourselves to our tasks, and we do what we feel like.