歌手 > Renaud Garcia-Fons

Renaud Garcia-Fons ,1962年12月24日出生于巴黎, 法国低音提琴演奏家和作曲家, 以...


Renaud Garcia-Fons ,1962年12月24日出生于巴黎, 法国低音提琴演奏家和作曲家, 以擅长使用5弦BASS闻名.他的父亲是画家Pierre Garcia-Fons, 他的家庭原籍西班牙的加泰罗尼亚. 所以他对西班牙以及东方文化的热爱和密切关注是可以理解的. 在80年代早期,他在Paris Conservatory学习, 他受教于François Rabbath, 他演奏arco的特殊技能就是从Francois那里学来的. 他闻名于他压倒性的精湛技巧,他地中海风情的旋律感和他演奏col arco时如中提琴般的音色. Garcia-Fons不止受JAZZ和古典音乐的影响, 还深受弗拉明戈 还有新musette风格, 以及 "imaginary folklore"(虚构民俗?我不理解这个是什么流派,大家给点意见) 传统的影响.他在 Roger Guérin的乐队里开始了他的爵士演奏生涯. 从1987到1993年间,他先是法国一个叫做L'Orchestre de Contrebasses 独特的乐队的成员,这个乐队是一个全部由DOUBLE BASS组成的乐队.之后,他在Claude Barthélémy 指挥的Orchestre National de Jazz 乐队里演奏.他的艺术特质促成了他与很多其他观念开放的爵士艺术家的精彩成功的合作,例如 Jean-Louis Matinier, Michael Riessler, Nguyên Lê, 以及 Michel Godard. 事实上他现在专注做自己的音乐, 但仍旧录吉他演奏家Gerardo Núñez的作品,还有一些东方演奏家比如 Kudsi Erguner, Dhafer Youssef, 甚至 Cheb Mami. by Charlotte Dillon Sometimes referred to as "the Paganini of double bass," Renaud Garcia-Fons is a composer and five-string bass player who was deeply influenced by the brilliant bassist François Rabbath. Garcia-Fons actually started his studies in music at an early age. He began with piano when he was only five, switched to classical guitar at eight, and then to rock in his teens, finally settling on the bass when he was 16. Garcia-Fons lives in Paris and has toured through Germany and Europe performing at festivals. In 1987, he became a member of the Orchestre de Contrebasses. He remained with them for six years, also appearing with the Orchestre National de Jazz during some of that time. ENJA Records released Garcia-Fons' solo debut, Légendes, in the '90s. Alboreá was his next release. The album featured his quartet of Jean-Louis Matinier on accordion, Jacques Mahieux on drums, and Yves Torchinsky on bass. Garcia-Fons' third album, Oriental Bass, which he composed, was released in 1998. Next, he combined talents with accordionist Jean-Louis Matinier on the album Fuera. Garcia-Fons' music is a rich gypsy mix of global jazz flavored with Indian, Greek, African, flamenco, Latin American, tango, and new musette. On many works he is accompanied by a variety of instruments, including guitar, lute, derbouka, flutes, trombone, and accordion.