歌手 > Monolithe

Current line-up Richard Loudin - Vocals (Despond, Haceldama (Fra), Nydvind...


Current line-up Richard Loudin - Vocals (Despond, Haceldama (Fra), Nydvind, Bran Barr, Nunkthul) Vindsval - Vocals (The Eye, Vlad (Fra), Karras (Fra), Blut aus Nord, Children of Mäani) Sylvain Bégot - Guitar, Keyboard, Programming (Anthemon, Evolvent) Benoît Blin - Guitar (Sex Circus, Inheritance (Fra)) Former/past member(s) Vocals: Laurent Desvignes (Amphitryon) Guitars: Nicolas Chevrollier (The Old Dead Tree) Bass: Marc Canlers (Anthemon) Kristofer Lorent (Burgul Torkhaïn, Yyrkoon, Fatal (Fra), Tridus Elasticus) Accordion: Manuel Mechling Additional notes Side project of Sylvain Bégot from Anthemon. Monolithe deals with the origin of mankind. "Monolithe I" is the foundation - the prologue - of the story and "Monolithe II", along with the next albums will go further into this mystery. Monoltihe appeared on the Skepticism tribute album Entering the Levitation covering the song "Edges".