歌手 > Hana
Jessica Lowndes
Eli & Fur
Hana is a collaboration between former Sky Cries Mary vocalist Anisa Romero...
详细Hana is a collaboration between former Sky Cries Mary vocalist Anisa Romero and renowned sound sculptor Jeff Greinke. Hana was formed in the summer of 1997 when the two worked together on a performance art piece. Jeff's unique multilayering sensibilities enhance Anisa's vocalizations, and create backdrops for her to work within. Hana's second record, Omen, displays their characteristic lush and dreamy sound, while moving towards a more rhythmically rich, song oriented approach. Greinke crafts his beats with care. Layers of sound shift through the spectrum, as beeps and bleeps percolate to the surface. He draws on breakbeat and drum and bass time signatures and rhythms to keep things interesting. Omen evokes minimalist futurescapes and the shifting sands of forgotten land with equal ease. The work brings to mind the ambient movement of the early 90's to some extent, but the cutting edge rhythms keep the record firmly planted in the now. At times the vocals fade away and for a moment you realize you are listening to a very cool electronic record. The music never competes with Anisa Romero's voice for the spotlight. Greinke is careful to fill the space around her vocal range with complementary tones and textures, allowing the ethereal beauty of her voice to be fully appreciated. Anisa moves smoothly from jazzy crooning to eastern-tinged falsettos, flowing with the sounds around her. Omen is simultaneously cutting edge and ancient, a record of experimental compositions that fit within the canon of not only pop, but the of the world as a whole. Jeff Greinke is a musician, composer, performer, sound sculptor, and visual artist who is known worldwide for his unique sound. Jeff began composing and performing music in 1980 while studying meteorology at Pennsylvania State University. After moving to Seattle in 1982, Jeff formed the production company and recording label, INTREPID, through which he produced his first LP, Cities in Fog. He has since released twenty other recordings on various U.S. and European labels. He has composed music for film, video, dance, theater, radio, and art installations. Jeff has toured extensively throughout the United States and Europe and has performed in China, Canada, and Mexico. He has also been a member of numerous ensembles and is founder of the group LAND. Anisa Romero has devoted her life to exploring expressions in terms of music, performance, and visual arts. At an early age Anisa started her musical journey by experimenting with a variety of musical instruments and studying classical voice. Anisa's artistic expression was developed through studying fine arts and performance arts at the University of Washington. Her interest in the arts took her to Italy, were she studied early renaissance art history and painting, and to Oxford England where she interned at the Museum of Modern Art. Anisa completed her B.F.A. in painting with honors while recording her first album with Sky Cries Mary. The next eight years were spent painting, exhibiting artwork, writing and recording five albums with SCM, and performing with the band in eight U.S. tours.