歌手 > Les Hay Babies

Just looking at them, the fresh-faced Les Hay Babies might seem just that, ...


Just looking at them, the fresh-faced Les Hay Babies might seem just that, babies. They are just 20 to 22 years old. But one listen to any of their songs, and you’ll hear that they are old souls, too.   The indie-folk trio hail from three small Acadian villages in New Brunswick. Julie Aubé, Katrine Noël and Vivianne Roy met during a provincial battle of the bands (Accros de la chanson) where they were each performing as solo artists. Then they ran into each other at another music contest, le Gala de la chanson de Caraquet. This time, they realized how well their unique voices and different musical influences meshed together.   In November 2011, the group Les Hay Babies was officially born. Since then, they’ve been busy crafting a colourful folky music with only a guitar, a banjo, a ukulele, powerful lyrics, and of course, warm harmonies that could melt anyone’s heart.   July of 2012 saw the release of their first EP, Folio, a bilingual disc featuring six group originals.   On April 15, 2014, they  launched their first full length album “Mon Homesick Heart” (Simone Records) with ten new songs.   Les Hay Babies have been building a hardcore fan base by performing more than a 250 shows in 2 years. They were the talk of the East Coast Music Awards in Moncton in 2012, surprising guests by performing in elevators around the event. They were an instant hit in Europe at the huge Lorient Interceltic Festival in August 2013. In 2013 and 2014, they toured or will be touring in Europe six times and in the US twice.