Worship music is not a career choice. It’s a calling, and it’s one that S...
详细Worship music is not a career choice. It’s a calling, and it’s one that Shelly E. Johnson has embraced with joyful surrender. She has a gift for writing songs that can lift a congregation closer to the Throne and a heart for serving God that makes her one of the most anointed young worship leaders of her generation. Well known for her emotional anthem, “Power of the Cross,” Shelly has crafted a new collection of songs that are both expansive in their message yet vulnerable and personal in their approach. It’s her ability to share her heart and her love for God in a tender, honest way that makes her songs so ultimately powerful. Her label debut is a powerful collection of songs helmed by acclaimed Dove Award-winning producer Phil Sillas. The project spotlights Shelly’s gift as a songwriter, vocalist and pianist. Her beautiful voice shines on the poignant ballad and debut single, “All Things Beautiful,” which acknowledges life’s baffling challenges yet echoes with the hope of God’s goodness and sovereignty. “The message of this song has been burning in my heart for some time. I become overwhelmed by all the suffering in the world, and when I try to reconcile this in light of the loving and all-powerful God, I am simply left shaking my head, asking ‘Why?’ This song is my response to that desperate question. I can confidently place my hope in Christ because I know His plan is perfect and that one day He will redeem, restore and make all things beautiful.” The album also includes “Power of the Cross,” a song Shelly was inspired to write while volunteering at the Nashville Rescue Mission, a shelter that ministers to the homeless of middle Tennessee. Two Wednesdays a month, for four years, Shelly led worship for morning chapel at the Hope Center, the branch of the Rescue Mission devoted solely to women and children. Shelly recalls, “One morning our speaker talked about the cross and explained to these women – some who were hearing it for the first time – what Christ did on the cross and how it could change their lives. She held up a wooden cross and said, ‘Some of you have been living in chains with drug addiction, abuse, all the things keeping you from embracing Christ, and it’s time to let these things go and embrace the life God has for you.’ She then encouraged the women, if they were ready, to come forward and lay their chains at the foot of the cross.” As the women began to come forward, one by one laying down their chains before Jesus, tears streaming down their faces, Shelly was deeply moved. “It was one of the most powerful things I’d ever experienced. I came home, sat at my piano, and began playing and singing the song, as though it had already been written. It was a gift from God.” In the years that followed, as Shelly continued volunteering at the Hope Center, “Power of the Cross” became a life song to many of the women involved in the ministry. A native of the Atlanta area, Shelly grew up in a strong Christian home, but it wasn’t until the age of fourteen when her father tragically died from cancer that Shelly became serious about her relationship with Christ, and her life was changed forever. “When faced with that kind of tragedy, some people get angry at God and turn their back on Him, but I chose to run to Him. I knew if He could create the universe, then surely He could take care of me, and I wanted to know Him more. Reading the Bible, praying and journaling became part of my daily routine, and seeking after Christ became my number one priority. I began to transform spiritually during that season of my life.” Music had always been an integral part of Shelly’s life, from playing classical piano from age eight, to being involved in every church and school choir musical, to leading worship throughout middle school and high school. But it was during this painful season that Shelly discovered the art of songwriting. “When my daddy was sick, playing my music was my way of dealing with it. I would play and sing for hours, pouring my emotions out to the Lord. The first song I ever wrote was called ‘Miracles’, and it was just a simple, honest song from the heart of a 14-year-old begging God to work a miracle and heal my daddy.” After attending a private Christian school kindergarten through eighth grade, Shelly attended a public high school and became involved in chorus. Her chorus teacher, who knew of the struggles Shelly’s family was experiencing, encouraged Shelly to share the songs she was writing with the chorus classes. “There I was,” Shelly recalls, “in a public high school with over 2,500 students, from all different backgrounds, religions and races, singing and playing my newly-written songs about Jesus in the middle of chorus class. I was able to share with my classmates what my family was going through and share with them how I was learning to depend on God. I had recorded ‘Miracles’ onto a CD and was giving them to kids at school. In the days, weeks and months that followed, kids would stop me in the hallway and tell me how much my music was ministering to them and helping them cope with their own life struggles. And that’s when I realized I wanted to do this the rest of my life.” Shelly clearly remembers the moment she knew undoubtedly what God was calling her to do with her life. “The night my daddy died my whole family was in the room with him,” she says. “But I just couldn’t handle it, so I went to the piano – the place that had become my sanctuary – and sat there looking out the window, with nothing to say, hurting deeply. In that moment, I felt God’s presence for the first time in my life, and sensed Him say to me, ‘Trust Me with everything, your whole life. Keep writing songs for Me, and I will use you and the songs you write to draw people to Me.’ That moment defined the rest of my life, and I’ve been writing songs and pursuing a music career ever since.” Shelly followed her calling to Nashville, TN in 2003 to attend Belmont University where she earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Commercial Music. After graduating in 2007, her songs began to gain the attention of the Christian music industry as “Power of the Cross” was awarded Song of the Year at the Gospel Music Association’s Music In The Rockies Conference, and her song “Draw Near” was awarded Scripture Song of the Year. Songs continued to pour out of her, and in 2009 she released her independent album, Mosaic of Grace. The album featured “Power of the Cross,” which caught the attention of multi Dove Award-winning artist Natalie Grant, who recorded it on her Love Revolution album, and as a result the song has become widely popular in churches nationwide. As Shelly continued to grow as a songwriter and worship leader, she began leading worship regularly at Brentwood Baptist Church, an ever-growing 8,500-member church in a Nashville suburb. Thanks to worship pastor Dennis Worley, whose encouragement and mentorship played an integral role in shaping who she is as a worship leader today, Shelly truly grew into her calling while serving at Brentwood Baptist. In February 2011, Shelly signed her first publishing and recording deal with LifeWay Worship, in partnership with Maranatha! Music. With the nationwide release of her debut EP Power of the Cross in August 2012, Shelly has spent her days writing, recording and sharing her new songs with congregations around the country. In addition to “All Things Beautiful” and “Power Of The Cross,” Shelly’s EP also includes two other songs that have been resonating with churches, the buoyant anthem “Hallelujah Forever,” a shimmering celebration of Christ’s redemptive work on the cross, and “Refuge,” a worshipful power-ballad that became a congregational favorite during her days leading worship at Brentwood Baptist. Shelly E. Johnson has been given a gift for being able to transform life’s most poignant moments into powerful songs that connect people to God. This calling is one she takes very seriously, and her heart’s greatest desire is to be faithful and obedient to God. “When I stop and look back over everything He’s done these last twelve years, I am humbled. He has not only prepared me for this calling, but He’s opened the doors and brought the right people into my path to help me pursue it. I am so grateful.” When she’s not traveling, Shelly can be found leading worship on Sundays at First Baptist Woodstock, a vibrant 15,000-member church where she serves on staff as a worship leader. Shelly and her husband Jack have been married for seven wonderful years and currently live in Woodstock, GA