歌手 > Puppetmastaz

把Cutting Edge Hip Hop和Fronting结合到一起,就是Puppets。 Puppet Mastaz和欧...


把Cutting Edge Hip Hop和Fronting结合到一起,就是Puppets。 Puppet Mastaz和欧洲很多优秀的Beat Maker合作过,他们的演出,有时候令人捧腹,有时候让人感到沉重压抑,但通常都结合了奇幻的场景和强有力的音乐,也正是因此他们在法国和德国拥有大量的拥趸。他们的音乐形式可以说是独一无二的,就像Gorillaz那样充满了活力,他们创造了一个奇幻世界来倾诉木偶的独特世界。  他们试图用自己的音乐和故事缩小成人和儿童的距离,唤醒人们心中儿时的记忆,但同时又能引发你强烈的共鸣,让人感同身受。他们的卡通造型并不一定可爱,有的甚至看起来有些吓人,但每一个都个性鲜明,总能保持理智的Mr. Maloke,拥有独自精神世界的Wizard the Lizard,永远停不下来的Suuggles the Bunny,狂野的Panic the Pig以及正义感十足,愿意用任何理由保护伙伴的犀牛兄弟等等,人们总能在他们身上看到一点自己的影子。木偶的世界有着人们渴望的美好,同时也存在着现实的残忍,在配上恰到好处抓住人心的音乐,Puppet Mastaz自然会如此受欢迎。  Puppetmastaz is a German hip hop group founded in Berlin with members from Germany, United States and Canada. Formed in 1996, the group perform their shows with hand puppets and meet music styles of Rap, Funk and Electronica. The founders and producers of the Puppetmastaz are Bomb 20, N1tro and in the German Gabber scene well known Patric Catani (E-De-Cologne) who produces the band's songs. A former member is also musician and songwriter Mocky. Their first trans regional known songs were Pet Sound (2003, New Noise Label) and The Bigger the Better (2005, Louisville Records). The band members of the Puppetmastaz Crew are always to seen as puppets on stage. Whilst music is played by their DJ the band members rap live by their puppets. The band's frontman is Mr. Maloke, a mole rapper whose characteristic sign is wearing a glitter topper. According "to the legend" he has founded the Puppetmastaz in the late Nineties. Step by step the band became bigger by puppets from all over the world. The puppets which later worked with the actually Puppetmastaz acted as first ones on shows in 1996 at Berlin's dance club Ex-Kreuz-Club. The first shows as Hip hop act were organized in 1999, where was also their first music video made and titled with "Wick-a-Woo". On TV the puppet band were first seen in the year 2000. Their first Maxi EP Humans Get All The Credits was released in 2002 and let grown the band's profile nationwide. 2003 were produced the Maxi EP Pet Sound and Zoology as the album Creature Funk. It followed a Remix Vinyl which was published as Prosettis Disco Balls but only as limited vinyl edition. In October 2005 were released the EP Bigger the Better and the album Creature Shock Radio. The Puppetmastaz' shows were regional as also trans regional known as "first toy group". Especially in France, where their live shows got 5000 visitors they became well known and got a big and constantly growing fan community. In 2007 the Puppetmastaz published a cover of John Lennon's Give Peace a Chance in support of Amnesty International what had warmed even Yoko Ono's heart how the Puppetmastaz said in an interview