歌手 > Soulful Women

Rev. Dr. Devaa Haley Mitchell is a transformational leader who supports peo...


Rev. Dr. Devaa Haley Mitchell is a transformational leader who supports people to reconnect with their spiritual essence, unleash their leadership gifts, and step into their full potential. Devaa co-founded the Shift Network and founded the Inspiring Women Summit, a virtual gathering of 70,000+ participants from more than 160 countries. Through her Soulful Women Wisdom School, which she co-founded with Elayne Kalila Doughty, she offers deeply experiential and transformative programs that guide hundreds of women to connect more deeply with spirit. Devaa knows that whatever we are DOING in the world, it sits on top of who we are BEING. So Devaa supports audiences and her clients to uplevel who they are being. She provides training, mentorship and a spiritual community to support people to unleash their soulful radiant essence in order to make a meaningful contribution to our planet and have a life that they LOVE. Devaa is also a musician whose debut album, Sacred Alchemy, aims to reawaken and liberate the many dimensions of the sacred feminine. Her LIVE performances fuse East and West with groovy, danceable tunes. In her spare time, Devaa volunteers at the San Quentin Prison as part of theParallel Play Project, using the power of drama therapy to heal and transform the hearts and lives of long-term inmates. Learn more about Devaa at www.devaa.com Elayne Kalila Doughty, MA, MFT, has been on a path of passionate service for the past twenty years, inspiring women around the world to unleash their leadership gifts and step into their full potential. She specializes in helping women tap into their deepest wisdom, enabling them to harness their own transformational power to be more effective and whole in every aspect of their lives. Elayne is an expert at guiding women from all walks of life to transform the pain of the past into a powerful present and an extraordinary future. She is a powerful bold and passionate speaker, spiritual activist, best-selling author, psychotherapist, soul midwife, and ordained priestess. Elayne currently brings these teachings to a myriad of diverse projects. At The Soulful Women Wisdom School (www.soulfulwomen.com), Elayne and co-founder Devaa Haley Mitchell offer deeply experiential and highly transformative spiritual leadership programs. In 2010 Elayne also co-founded The Gracias Foundation (www.graciasfoundation.org), which has a mission to empower and improve the lives of women, children and young adults through grassroots projects in some of the most vulnerable parts of the world. Her work at Gracias led her to create The Safe Embrace Trauma Healing Program, which is the culmination of many years of work with women survivors of trauma and gender based violence. This program promotes trauma healing and empowerment for women across the globe. Elayne is currently implementing this program with Eve Ensler of The ****** Monologues at the City of Joy in Bukavu, Congo. Elayne is the founder of The Queens of Transformation—Powerful Women Changing the World and is also a faculty member at The Shift Network (www.theshiftnetwork.com). She is the co- host of The Inspiring Women Summit (inspiringwomensummit.com), a virtual gathering of more than 70,000 participants from 160 different countries. Elayne, along with Lisa Nichols, contributed a chapter to the best-selling book – "Unbreakable Spirit- Rising Above the Impossible" . She is currently working on her next book ?Priestess on Purpose – Women in Passionate Service to Healing the Heart of the World. Connect with Elayne Kalila at www.ElayneDoughty.com