歌手 > HUT

Hut, it's four boys from Moscow who, when they are not on their skateboards...


Hut, it's four boys from Moscow who, when they are not on their skateboards, play a powerful punk music. They just made their first EP, Say My Name. It's full of energy. Pop melodies played by luminous guitars but with a true rock spirit. Jump, shake your head and listen to Hut. And the cover is not ugly too.   Genre: Dreampop, surf, indie, britpop   Members: Митрий Демьян [Mitriy Demyan] (vocals, guitar) Стас Самат [Stas Samat] (guitar) Александр Климкин [Aleksandr klimkin] (bass) Илья Москаленко [Ilya Moskalenko] (drums)   https://soundcloud.com/hutband http://vk.com/hutband https://www.facebook.com/pages/HUT/809391879071186 https://twitter.com/HUT_band