歌手 > Natural Self

Natural Self is just one person. Me. I have occasi...



Natural Self is just one person. Me. I have occasionally worked under other aliases and may well do so again. I started in 2000 as a producer/beatmaker, making purely sample-based music using Cool Edit 2 on a shit PC. Using no midi, I relied instead on an eccentric method of cutting and pasting pieces of audio. Looking back now it actually seems insane but I also like to think that this strange technique gave those early productions a certain vibe. I then began incorporating live instruments played by people with the requisite skill level before introducing synths into the mix. Some way into proceedings I began to sing on some of my stuff as well. I had never envisaged myself as a singer but it just sort of happened, so I went with it. My frame of reference has changed a lot over time. When I started I was all about the art of sampling and digging for beats. Funk and hip hop were the mainstays of influence, though the music I made was neither quite one or the other. As time passed, all kinds of new influences have crept in and in fact some of the earlier ones have been left behind. Change or die, right? After getting a little lost somewhere in the middle I’ve since made an effort to get back on track.