Lost Tapes is a musical project born from the exchange of cinematic and musical references between two friends. The friendship between Pau Roca (La Habitación Roja, Fantasma#3 and Litoral) and RJ Sinclair (Tokyo Sex Destruction, Lions Constellation and It’s not not) was forged through meetings in Madrid and Barcelona in various concerts and festivals. The two spent long hours chatting and recommending articles, books, music and movies. In those months they also started to circulate recorded tracks between Madrid and Vilanova de la Geltrú that ultimately resulted in the musical project Lost Tapes.
It’s the result of two musicians, in two different cities hundred of kilometers apart, but eager to collaborate, create and record songs without pretension; only with the desire to create something together.
The songs started with homemade computer recordings or simply voice notes. From there, they began creating tracks of distinct instruments that would form the compositions. They also integrated samples of legendary groups such as The Ronnettes and lyrics and sound cuts from movies that were referenced in songs like “Come With Me”. The presentation of these songs will combine two musicians, film projects and the use of loops and drones to reproduce the atmosphere of the songs. The name Lost Tapes is a reference to mix tapes with compilations of favorite groups that accompanied road trips and VHS tapes with movies and music videos exchanged among friends. These are now lost in time, and this project is an attempt to recover them with renovated songs. In our cassette players were groups like Ride, The Chills, The Go-Betweens, The Pastels, Jesus and Mary Chain, Primal Scream, Spacemen3 and The Field Mice from labels like Creation, Sarah, Slumberland Records and Bus Stop Records, among others.