歌手 > Gaspar Claus

Born in 1983, Gaspar Claus has started the cello at age 5. From his long st...


Born in 1983, Gaspar Claus has started the cello at age 5. From his long studies in music Highschool with great teachers such as Philip Muller (NMSC, Paris) he kept a part of his technical background. But his current research is based on an exploration of his cello skills beyond its basic use. He uses the whole body of the instrument (wood, metal & horsehair) to create a universe of sounds that he plays during his improvisations with many artists. His desire is to preserve the listening pleasure even in the most extreme situations. It always goes from one project to another, from one world to another, combining his music with very different worlds. Besides his solo performances (at the Knitting Factory, NYC; at Star Pine Cafe, Tokyo in galleries in Paris and in festivals) he has several projects with dancers like Nina Dipla (who worked with Pina Bausch) or Moeno Wakamatsu (who has worked with Merce Cunningham, Masaki Iwana ...), with French actors (Anne Alvaro, Serge Pey ...) with electronic musicians (Rone, J_Mahtab, A. Yterce, Joakim Tigersushi ...), pop musicians (Ramona Cordova, Damo Suzuki, Kria Brekan, Scout Nibblett, Sufjan Stevens, Cali ...), the flamenco guitarist Pedro Soler (they played at the Philharmonie in Berlin, November 2007, current album planned for 2010) with Benat Achiary (the Concertgebouw of Bruges December 2008), or with Catherine Jauniaux, concerts with the improvised music scene in Japan (Umezu Kazutoki, Hiromishi Sakamoto, Kazuki Tomokawa, Otomo Yoshihide, Keiji Haino, Sachiko M...) or other very special concert as a duo with a masseur in a Germanâs Christmas market in Berlin , a musical project about Physics & pets called "Schrödinger's cat", duo piano & cello, whose album was released in February 2009. Constantly looking for new artistic experiences, he is now also involved in many projects throughout the world. With the French filmmaker Vincent Moon, travel on all continents to document the music, crossed with the sound of his cello. Recently filmed on a trip for the Louis Vuitton Foundation in Mongolia (www.louisvuitton.com/resonnance), a journey through Eastern Europe with twelve dancers / choreographers. Last December the artistic direction of a recording in Tokyo with the currents leading Japanese improvisersal.