歌手 > Maxxwell

LINE UP: Oli Häller: Drums & Programming, Nobi Suppiger: Vocals, Hef Häflig...


LINE UP: Oli Häller: Drums & Programming, Nobi Suppiger: Vocals, Hef Häfliger: Lead-Guitars, Cyril Montavon: Rhythm-Guitars, Tom Kirchhofer: Bass WITHOUT ANY COMPROMISE – POWERFUL – STRAIGHTFORWARD – CATCHY ! These few words are right on the money to describe MAXXWELL. The Lucerne-based band was formed in December 2008 with the intention to rock out hard and play exactly the music its members like best! MAXXWELL’s music is a perfect match of heavy riffs, hard-driving grooves and an expressive, distinctive voice! Within a short time MAXXWELL signed an international recorddeal and is already notorious for its energetic, „straight in your face“, sweat-driven liveshows. Without any doubt, MAXXWELL’s Debutalbum „Dogz On Dope“ is a strong piece of music and earned a lot of great reviews, both at home and abroad. On its tour with Shakra, MAXXWELL proved that the band is ready to literally rock any stage in the world and knows exactly what to do to satisfy the needs of its audience. So it’s obvious that MAXXWELL, by taking its next step in its young career, is already touring Europe, supporting metal-legend U.D.O. Dirkschneider (former singer of Accept). MAXXWELL will play 20 shows in five countries in front of approx. 25'000 people. The band will be back stronger than before, in order to get attuned for the upcoming liveshows in Europe and Switzerland in spring 2010 and the already planned and written second album.