瑞士Modern Progressive Metal乐队,组建于2008年。
CLAW is a new metal band from Geneva, Switzerland. The band’s songs and imagery are heavily influenced by post-apocalpytic themes: the end of the world has happened, but the music remains…
Drawing its inspiration from old-school thrash and heavy metal bands such as MEGADETH, METALLICA, KREATOR, PARADISE LOST, CLAW strives to push the genre forward with its focus on songwriting , memorable riffs and melodies.
CLAW also has a strong visual identity: using costumes, backdrops and visual effects, the band wishes to create a true post-apocalyptic experience for the audience, reminiscent of movies such as MAD MAX, THE ROAD, or the FALLOUT videogame series.
CLAW will release its self-titled debut on October 6th 2014. The album has been recorded and mixed by Serge Morattel (KNUT, ZATOKREV, LOFOFORA), who is also a member of the band. A video for the track “Out of the Vault” has been filmed and will come out later this August to support the release.
The End… is just the Beginning!
Nikolay Prensilevich : Vocals
Serge Morattel : Guitar
Bruce Borgeaud : Guitar
Oscar Martensson : Bass
Jean aka Glycy : Drums