歌手 > Tania Tsanaklidou

来自希腊的女歌手Tania Tsanaklidou,虽然她的个人空间里把她的音乐定位为爵士、古...


来自希腊的女歌手Tania Tsanaklidou,虽然她的个人空间里把她的音乐定位为爵士、古典,实际上她演绎的音乐类型非常广泛,从最早的传统、古典到近几年的电子、融合,她的歌唱永远是那么震撼人心,仿佛裹挟着生命中最隐秘的哀伤与力量喷薄而出,会在夜色深处荡涤、抚慰你的心灵。 Tania Tsanaklidou was born in Drama. She grew up in Salonica and in the age of eight years old she participated in Mary Soidou's Theatre for children.She studied Drama and Archeology in Salonica and also did some Dancing. She came to Athens in the age of 21 and played in a Ksenia Kalogeropoulou's play for children "Mormolis" while at nights she was singing in a club with the greek composer Yannis Markopoulos. At 1978 her country ask her to represent Greece in the eurovision song contest where she got the 8th position. She played in a few theatrical and television productions, she co-operated with great artists and recorded a lot of magnificent songs with her magical voice.