歌手 > Grand Blanc

Grand Blanc is another of these highly active French bands we couldn’t ign...


Grand Blanc is another of these highly active French bands we couldn’t ignore. The guys at Grand Blanc follow Moodoïd closely in their footsteps, albeit with a darker, colder eastern approach to their music. You will absolutely dig their video too for “Degré Zéro”.   The band originates from the land where tall cathedrals are built next to blast furnaces. Where crossing borders didn’t take too long if you took the motorway. Where people used to listen to Bashung (a French singer/songwriter) in the 80’s, when France rocked Joy Division t-shirts. Grand Blanc comes from the deep eastern rurality of France, where French talked little literature, a lot about music, where Saturdays were spent praying for a good gig in town that night, where we would head to the football stadium, and pray again for a goal (either side you were on, really didn’t matter). From where you’d head for the bar, rather than going to Church. Some of us wanted to go head first in those furnaces, others wanted to end up in the Cathedrals.