歌手 > Cloudy Clouzy 不明雾

Cloudy Clouzy不明雾成立于2019年十月。相遇于国立台北艺术大学,团员们各自擅长...


Cloudy Clouzy不明雾成立于2019年十月。相遇于国立台北艺术大学,团员们各自擅长不同的音乐风格,歌曲揉和民谣、摇滚、古典与庞克。 将情绪化成故事写成歌;那些抑郁的、躁动的、温暖的、不明就里的情绪,我们记录着也吟唱着。 Founded in October 2019, Cloudy Clouzy is an indie rock band from Taipei, Taiwan. Consisting of four members from different backgrounds, their common love for stories resulted in the group's exceptionally visual arrangements, and their music always retains traces of warmth.