歌手 > SKAAR

Hilde Skaar aka SKAAR is one of Norway’s most promising, rising stars. She...


Hilde Skaar aka SKAAR is one of Norway’s most promising, rising stars. She announced herself on the Norwegian music scene at the age of 18 when she featured on TRXD’s smash hit «Wherever You Go». A couple of years and lots of great songs later, she released her debut single «Higher Ground» which has amassed more than four million streams. The song was part of the official soundtrack for the motion picture Battle, and found new listeners beyond the borders of Norway building an audience for SKAAR in Germany, Australia and Brazil. In February, she followed up her debut single with «Wicked Rhythm», which was «track of the week» on Norway’s biggest radio station (NRK P3). SKAAR will be releasing more music in 2019, including her third single «24» on April 12th.