歌手 > Faultline

90年代一开始,来自伦敦北部的David Kosten时运不济,被艺术学院踢出校门,靠着支...


90年代一开始,来自伦敦北部的David Kosten时运不济,被艺术学院踢出校门,靠着支领失业救济金过活,日复一日的沉浸在四轨录音机的美丽乐声,逐渐激起他对音乐的兴致... 97、98年David Kosten以Faultline为团名倾全力完成处女专辑《Closer, Colder》,独特的旋律气氛与不寻常的声响铺排,营造出美丽与纷扰并存但又不突兀的听觉,声响真实到连因对Kosten不爽的歌者所讲的恐吓话语都公然于专辑中曝光--有影星Dennis Hopper的声音、*女热线电话录音取样,专辑推出后博得NME、Sleaze Nation等杂志乐评掌声喝采,透过专辑的真实感,乐迷感受到Kosten充满意外的人生。 有一回还遇到杀人抢匪开车撞他的戏剧性事件,如此宿命的遭遇让Faultline的音乐创作弥漫着一鼓说不出的黑暗,每当被问到为何对黑暗感觉如此强烈时,Kosten总是笑着说:“这些事老是要跟着我啊!” 在处女作《Closer, Colder》赢得好评后,Kosten原本想做一张充满希望与难以言喻的喜乐作品,没想到又情不自禁的坠入情绪的深渊,2002年的年度专辑《Your Love Means Everything》又是一张飘着黑暗空气与悲怜心情的作品..... Electronic DJ David Kosten is the face behind Faultline, a U.K. moniker fronting his dashing breakbeats of drum'n'bass out of North London. Kosten was surrounded by all sorts of music at an early age, playing the clarinet and the piano, but he wasn't entirely serious about a career in music until 1996 when he was introduced to One Little Indian. His love for synth pop and darkwave bands such as Talk Talk, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Teardrop Explodes, and Brian Eno also led him to sharpen his skillful electronic compositions -- eclectic instrumentals and spiraled programming -- and an urgency to make an album. Kosten didn't find much promise in One Little Indian however, and his debut album Closer Colder was not thoroughly promoted, leaving Kosten to find professional solace in Tony Morley's Leaf imprint. Faultline's initial debut Closer Colder was issued in fall 1999. Teaming with artists such as the Flaming Lips' Wayne Coyne and R.E.M.'s Michael Stipe, Kosten put together a half vocal/half instrumental release in 2002 called Your Love Means Everything.