歌手 > Blowsight

Sweden has al­ways been a guar­antee for the ex­port of epic Pop melodies a...


Sweden has al­ways been a guar­antee for the ex­port of epic Pop melodies and fa­mous rock-bands. How­ever, this rarely com­bined in one band. Blowsight have in­ter­nal­ized the essence of both worlds and united them to a po­ten­tial hit unit. (You can click each pic­ture for a short in­ter­view!) The ex­plo­sive mix­ture of in­fec­tious en­ergy and mu­sical ma­tu­rity is sure to blow off the roof of every stage the band set foot on. The genre-bat­tle­fields of the var­ious fan camps world­wide are the play­ground on which the quartet merges all the sup­posed con­tra­dic­tions into one piece, with their own nat­ural serenity. With no fear and al­ways with a tongue-in-cheek at­ti­tude the band ma­neu­vers through all facets and colors of modern rock music. Even in re­flec­tive mo­ments they main­tain a touch of light­ness. De­spite all di­ver­sity, Blowsight al­ways put the fun in music first and they never stop short at play­fully crazy ideas to show it off - il­lus­trated by their Lady Gaga cover “Poker Face”. Heavy drums and tight riffing are giving the song a com­plete fresh coat of paint. Over half a mil­lion views on Youtube are speaking for them­selves. Back in 2007 the band was able to win a Swedish song com­pe­ti­tion with over 16.000 par­tic­i­pating bands. This achieve­ment has been paving the way to their first EP-re­lease “I’ll be around” under the flag of Sony/BMG. The first edi­tion was sold out in less than a month. Gigs and tours with major acts like Danzig and Life Of Agony fol­lowed. In 2009 Blowsight re­leased their debut album “Des­ti­na­tion Ter­rorville”, which re­ceived many pos­i­tive re­ac­tions from magazines and web­sites world­wide. German Metal Hammer crowned them as “Band of the month”, while Sweden Rock magazine espe­cially em­pha­sized their ver­sa­tility, as they de­scribed the album as a tasteful “hard rock buffet”. Just in time for an ex­ten­sive Eu­ro­pean tour with Sonic Syn­di­cate, Blowsight have re­leased record number two in fall 2010: “Dystopia Lane” cap­tures the essence of Blowsight. Fresh and pow­erful Pop­Met­alPunk, who’s beat is not only the heart­beat of zeit­geist, but mainly con­vinces lis­teners with so­phis­ti­cated song­writing. This is music that works - on small or big stages. copyright 2011: artist alliances | webdesign: medien-koenig.de